- Greetings:1, Hello. (こんです)

In Japanese, there are greetings depending on the time of day. For example, Ohayou Gozaimasu (Good Morning), Konnichi Wa (Good Afternoon) and Konban Wa (Good Evening). But, since we're talking with our friends, there are much more simplified terms you can use such as;
Ossu (Variation: Oissu) - Similiar to how we use "Yo!", but 'Yo' is also used in Japanese in the same manner.
Kondesu - Shortened version of 'Konnichi Wa'.
'Chiwa - Another shortened version of 'Konnichi Wa'. Used by guys, very informal, Only use if you have that type of relationship with your friend.
- Greetings: 2, Feeling Well? (元気?)
The normal Japanese equivalant of "How are you?" is 'Genki desu ka?', which literally translates to "Are you feeling well?". So after you've said your hellos, you can ask how he or she is feeling. Much like before, among friends, the terms are much shorter;
Genki? - Shortened from 'Genki desu ka?' and is something like "Doing ok?".
Genki Kai? - Similar to the above, this one is more common amongst males.
This segment brought to you by Lala-chan. visit her blog at http://summernightbreezer.blogspot.com/
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