So yah! Last night I decided to open my copy of Samurai Spirits for the Neo-Geo CD and I thought to myself "Wow! This game has been in its packaging for years!!", So I proceeded to violently tear away cellophane and popped it in my top loader.

CELLOPHANE LOLZ!!! It's every bit as fun as I remembered, loading times weren't too bad either especially when you compare it to like SS4 for the NGCD. Speaking of Neo-Geo, here's a video of me gettin' my ass kicked at K.O.F. '98 UM;
I sucked harder than I could ever have sucked that day too! *CRY!!!* Oh wellz, maybe I'll do better at the location test for King of Fighters XII .... yea right. XD
I'm lurkin! But just littel bits.
Freakin' ZOMG!!! XD
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